
Welcome to your personal guide of using Press Metal Work To Permit software.

The Press Metal Work To Permit software is a formal written system used to control certain types of work that are potentially hazardous. A permit-to-work is a system which specifies the work to be done.



Buttons Name Description
Check box Allow to select multiple option.
Upload button Click to upload attached images/ files.
Action button To take action against a perticular permit request.
Save button To save a particular entry in a screen.
Edit button Edit a single attachment/entry.
Delete button Delete a single attachment/entry.
View button View requests/ attachments.
Radio button To select an option.
Date picker Select date from calendar.
Attach button To attach single file/ image. User shall be able to browse through the computer file system and select the file that needs to be attached.
Search button To search the details in a particular report.
Export To Excel button Click to export data in to an excel sheet.
Upload All button If multiple attachments were selected via the “Attach button”, then the user can click on “Upload All” button to upload all the images and files at a single go.
Request button If a particular action is performed and selected on the screen, then if Request button is clicked then, entered data is saved and permit request will be submitted.
Previous button Click to go back to the previous screen.
Approve button To approve a permit request.
Reject button To reject a permit request.
Verify button Verify a permit request upon submitted.
Save As Draft button Save a report as draft which can be edited and submitted later.
Issue button To make a work permit live.
Back to dashboard button Click to go back to the dashboard.
Work Complated & Apply for Closer To make work completed & apply for closer.